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Inkochnito's Pinball Score and Instruction Reproduction Cards update!

New month, next update...
It going well with the System 11 Tech Charts.
I'm going into the System 11B now.
Added a nice relay strip for Gottlieb Hot Shot.
And the requested coin box sticker as well as the Exhibit Supply coil wrappers.
Please take a look below for all changes.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

2 december 2014 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Bugs Bunny Tech Chart corrected
Bally Dr. Dude Tech Chart corrected
Bally Game Show Tech Chart added
Bally Mousin Around Tech Chart added
Bally Radical Tech Chart corrected
Williams Bad Cats Tech Chart added
Williams Diner Tech Chart corrected
Williams Riverboat Gambler Tech Chart corrected
Williams Rollergames Tech Chart added
Williams Whirlwind Tech Chart added
Coil wrappers added (Williams A-14701, A-14789, SM1-28-900-DC)
Gottlieb Big Hit high score and runs score adjustment cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Hot Shot relay strip zip file added
Gottlieb EM coin box sticker file added
Various coil wrappers added for Exhibit Supply
Happy New Year everbody!
May all your pinball whishes come true.

Updating time....
Not a big update, but some interesting files.
I've made a cards file for Pokerino, Boomerang, Flicker, Dig-A-Star and Bonanza.
Tech Charts added for Elvira and the Party Monsters, Transporter the Rescue, Black Knight 2000,
Earthshaker, Jokerz!, Police Force, Swords of Fury and Taxi.
Banzai Run was the bigger challenge as it has two playfields with shared lamp and switch lines.
Taxi has both Marilyn and Lola at their switch and lamp locations.

Still waiting for release is the Bally Who Dunnit Tech Chart.
I need some more switch matrix information before releasing.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

1 januari 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Automaticos Dig-A-Star zip file added (various section)
Bally Boomerang zip file added
Bally Flicker zip file added
Gottlieb Bonanza zip file added
Williams Pokerino zip file added
Bally Elvira and the Party Monsters Tech Chart added
Bally Transporter the Rescue Tech Chart added
Williams Banzai Run Tech Chart added
Williams Black Knight 2000 Tech Chart added
Williams Earthshaker Tech Chart added
Williams Jokerz! Tech Chart added
Williams Police Force Tech Chart added
Williams Swords of Fury Tech Chart added
Williams Taxi Tech Chart added
Here is another update for my website.

The Alvin G section is complete now!
All games are accounted for.
Even the redemption games Dinosaur Eggs and USA Football are there.
It was a big hunt to find the cards for Soccerball and USA Football.

I also added a chart to Bally - Captain Fantastic for the coin adjustments plugs.
I was finaly able to verify the switch matrix on Bally - Who Dunnit.
The Tech Chart for Bally - Who Dunnit has been added.

Someone asked me for some Euro labels to use in EM Gottlieb games.
I kept them in their own file.
Gottlieb - Mars: God of War and Counterforce now both have a full score card set in their file.
Added Gottlieb - Golden Arrow file (thanks to David Bunel), Hawaiian Beauty and Zaccaria - Supersonic.
I've corrected Olympic Hockey as it got kick out on the ipdb as being not correct.

Please remember that the ipdb is WAAAAYYY behind on my files.
They never update the files I send them, so I've stopped sending the files a long time ago.
Please tell everybody to get the files from www.inkochnito.nl insted.
I try to update my website every month.
Sometimes I skipp a month when there isn't much to update.
Feel free to ask me for a reproduction file for your serialnumber sticker.
Yes, I still do them, but only on request with an image from your (damaged) sticker.

Bridge Boards are still available from me http://home.kpn.nl/p.koch3/ (Europe) and from http://bigdaddy-enterprises.com/ (USA).
For more information, just click on the Bridge Board image at www.inkochnito.nl.

Enjoy and have fun playing pinball,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

1 march 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Alvin G Dinosaur Eggs zip file added
Alvin G Soccerball zip file added
Alvin G USA Football zip file added
Alvin G USA Football Redemption zip file added
Bally Captain Fantastic coin adjustments label added to zip file
Bally Who Dunnit Tech Chart added
Chicago Coin Rebound (Shuffleboard game) zip file added
Coil wrapper Williams LE-23-1300 added
Gottlieb coin entry labels file adjusted
Gottlieb coin entry labels (euro) file adjusted
Gottlieb Counterforce score cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Golden Arrow zip file added
Gottlieb Hawaiian Beauty zip file added
Gottlieb Mars: God of War score cards added to zip file
Williams Banzai Run install balls label added to zip file
Williams Olympic Hockey zip file corrected
Zaccaria Supersonic zip file added
Next update has been done.
A lot of French cards added to various Gottlieb games.
Now a complete score cards set for Gottlieb - Joker Poker (EM version) is available.
Two more hard to find games, Gottlieb - Goin' Nuts and Eclipse, both have cards available.
Playmatic - Fandango card set added.
Take a look at the changes to see what else has been added.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

31 march 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Alvin G Football zip file added
Bally Wizard flip-flop flag decal file added
Bally coil wrappers CC-31-2000 and NO-27-2300 added
Gottlieb Alien Star French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Caveman French card added to zip file
Gottlieb coin box second sticker added to zip file
Gottlieb Eclipse zip file added (including French)
Gottlieb Goin' Nuts zip file added
Gottlieb Hulk zip file updated
Gottlieb James Bond French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Joker Poker French card added to zip file (full set now)
Gottlieb Ready Aim Fire French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Royal Flush Deluxe French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Striker French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Super Orbit French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Touchdown French card added to zip file
Playmatic Fandango zip file added
Williams Notice label zip file updated
Thanks for all adds
Small update this time.
I've been working on real machines and prepairing for my own pinball event.
In co-operation with Mark S. I've been working on Bally - Night Rider EM to make the file even better.
I've my style, he has got his, look for yourself which one is better.
Bally - Six Stick has been added.
When I was working on Gottlieb - Fire Queen, I also updated Jungle Princess.
Added Gottlieb - Star Race.
I got a request to create a reproduction file for Pitch Hitter, a pitch and bat game.
Well, I got the file so I added it to the Williams section too.
That's all for now.

Enjoy and have fun playing pinball,
This month there is a new update.
I've found a lot of images on Ebay.
I'm still in the proces of adding cards to the already existing files.
There were a few requests too...
Added an oldie for Gottlieb - Wagon Train and added support labels for the Williams - Joust playfield.
Williams - Pit Stop was also a request.
Gottlieb - Eye of the Tiger got a full makeover because the file was made up as a four player, but the game is a two player.
Special thanks for Jürgen Storck for helping with the Backbox card for Bally - Voltan.
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

Also my Bridge Boards are still available. Just click on the board image on my website for more information.

Enjoy and have fun playing Pinball,

1 juli 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally 1509 Balls per game cards added to zip file
Bally Amigo cards added to zip file
Bally Champ spinner image zip file added
Bally Flicker cards added to zip file
Bally Mini-Zag cards added to zip file
Bally Night Rider zip file corrected
Bally Power Play zip file corrected
Bally Spy Hunter cards added to zip file
Bally Voltan backbox cards zip file added
Chicago Coin Juke Box cards added to zip file
Chicago Coin Sound Stage cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Bank Shot zip file corrected
Gottlieb Blue Note zip file added
Gottlieb Card Trix cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Dragon zip file corrected
Gottlieb Eye of the Tiger cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Rocky French cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Wagon Train zip file added
Williams Joust labels added to zip file
Williams Pit Stop zip file added
The next update hes been done.
A lot of updated files this time.
I found a lot of card images on Ebay.
Added them to their correcponding files.
Corrected a few mistakes too.
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

Also my Bridge Boards are still available. Just click on the board image on my website for more information.

Enjoy and have fun playing Pinball,

1 august 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Baby Pac-Man backbox card zip file added
Gottlieb "300" zip file updated
Gottlieb Genie French cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Ice Fever zip file updated
Gottlieb Jet Spin cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Jungle Princess cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Mini Pool cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Miss Annabelle cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Rock Encore zip file added
Gottlieb Rock zip file updated
Gottlieb Ship Ahoy cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Star Race French cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Sure shot zip file updated
Gottlieb Surf Side card added to zip file
Gottlieb Sweet Hearts card added to zip file
Gottlieb Target Alpha cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Top Score cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Volcano German cards added to zip file
Juegos Populares Aqualand zip file added
Stern Magic card added to zip file
Stern Nugent cards added to zip file
Stern Stingray cards added to zip file
Williams 3-D card added to zip file
Williams 4 Aces card added to zip file
Williams Casino card added to zip file
Williams Cyclone Tech Chart added
Williams Klondike-Yukon zip file corrected
Williams Laser Ball card added to zip file
Williams Lucky Seven cards added to zip file
Williams Pokerino cards added to zip file
Williams Skill Pool card added to zip file
Williams Toledo cards added to zip file
Williams Winner cards added to zip file
The next update has been done.
I've added a lot of cards to Bally Dixieland thanks to Collin.
An image for Op Pop Pop also came along with the Dixieland cards and is also updated.
The flasher error on the Black Rose Tech Chart has been corrected and updated.
Also the Cyclone and Space Station Tech Charts had some minor corrections.
New files are made for Big Guns, F-14 Tomcat, Fire! and Millionaire.
I got a request for Sonic Star Wars score and instruction cards, which are added in the Various section.

A great milestone is comming up as the website passes the 100.000 visits mark. ;-)
I hope you all enjoy my work.

If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

1 september 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Black Rose Tech Chart corrected
Bally Balls per Game cards zip file updated
Bally Dixieland cards added to zip file
Bally Op Pop Pop cards added to zip file
Sonic Star Wars zip file added
Williams Big Guns Tech Chart added
Williams Cyclone Tech Chart corrected
Williams F-14 Tomcat Tech Chart added
Williams Fire! Tech Chart added
Williams Millionaire Tech Chart added
Williams Space Station Tech Chart added
It's been a while, but here is another update.
With the october update came a German Popeye card, French Xenon cards and some odd other cards.
Also the Williams System-11 Tech Charts are complete now with Grand Lizard, Pin•Bot, Road Kings, F-14 Tomcat and High Speed added.

The november update has Bally- Big Valley, Maresa - Centigrade-37, Williams - Ding Dong, Williams - Smarty.
The Tech Chart for Williams - Medieval Madness has been corrected.
French cards added for Striker and Volcano.
Bally High Score/Match insert labels are added which can be used for the SS-series score cards.
For some odd reason the files for Williams Ding Dong and Smarty were not added to the listing previously.
Now there are more cards added and they are added to the listing.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

1 oktober 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Popeye German card added to zip file
Bally Xenon French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Oklahoma zip file added
United Tropics zip file added
Williams Grand Lizard Tech Chart added
Williams Pin•Bot Tech Chart added
Williams Road Kings Tech Chart added
Williams F-14 Tomcat Tech Chart corrected
Williams High Speed Tech Chart added

1 november 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Big Valley zip file added
Bally High Score/Match insert label zip file added
Bally The Addams Family zip file corrected
Gottlieb Pyramid zip file corrected
Gottlieb Striker French cards added to zip file
Gottlieb Volcano French cards added to zip file
Maresa Centigrade-37 zip file added
Playmatic Cerberus Spanish cards added to zip file
Williams Ding Dong zip file added
Williams Medieval Madness Tech Chart corrected
Williams Road Show zip file corrected
Williams Smarty zip file added
Just before the end of the year....
Here is another update.

Party Zone and Viking have French cards now.
I've corrected the Tech Chart for The Twilight Zone (switch column 9 via Q12).
Added Chicago Coin Stampede, Gottlieb Flipper Pool, Williams Hayburners II, Williams Seven Up.
A special request was made for Williams Deluxe World Series, a bat game.
I am proud to announce the creation of Data East Tech Charts.
The first 6 files are done, Laser War, Secret Service, Torpedo Alley, Time Machine, Playboy 35th Anniversary and Monday Night Football.
If you can find any errors, please let me know and I'll correct them.

Please be careful with the fireworks, you will need both hands to play Pinball.
Happy New Year,

30 december 2015 changes
New made or updated card files:

Bally-Midway 16-10139 FCC card zip file added
Bally Party Zone French card added to zip file
Bally Viking French cards added to zip file
Chicago Coin Stampede zip file added
Gottlieb Flipper Pool zip file added
Gottlieb Golden Arrow zip file corrected
Stern Stampede zip file added
Williams Deluxe World Series zip file added
Williams Hayburners II zip file added
Williams Seven Up zip file added
Williams Spanish Eyes zip file corrected
Williams WPC Fuse card updated
Bally Twilight Zone Tech Chart corrected
Data East Laser War Tech Chart added
Data East Torpedo Alley Tech Chart added
Data East Secret Service Tech Chart added
Data East Time Machine Tech Chart added
Data East Monday Night Football Tech Chart added
Data East Playboy 35th anniversary Tech Chart added

For your next announcements, you should add "http://" in your web link so it make it clickable. I just modified your last message for test sup.

Thanks :)
Thanks too for your work !
I've been working on all the Tech Charts lately.
Every chart has been corrected and updated.
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe and Twilight Zone have been corrected.
I added French cards to Data East Lethal Weapon 3 and the price cards file.
Added Gottlieb Rock Star on request.
I was able work on some Recel card sets together with some guys from the Spanish forum.
Now there are sets for Fortune, Icarus, Lady Luck and Space Race.
Along the way I also corrected the other Recel files.
Since Stern does not release their card files for the SAM system games, I had to create CSI myself.
If you have any other language cards for CSI, please send me a copy.
Maybe later some more Stern files will follow.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

30 januari 2016 changes
New made or updated card files:
All Tech Charts are corrected and updated
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe zip file corrected
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe LE backbox zip file corrected
Bally Twilight Zone zip file corrected
Data East Lethal Weapon French card added to zip file
Data East Price Cards French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Card Trix zip file corrected
Gottlieb Rock Star zip file added
Recel Criterium zip file corrected
Recel Fortune zip file added
Recel Icarus zip file added
Recel Lady Luck zip file added
Recel Mr. Evil zip file corrected
Recel score cards zip file added
Recel Space Race zip file added
Recel Top Speed zi file corrected
Stern CSI zip file added
I've been working on all the Tech Charts lately.
Every chart has been corrected and updated.
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe and Twilight Zone have been corrected.
I added French cards to Data East Lethal Weapon 3 and the price cards file.
Added Gottlieb Rock Star on request.
I was able work on some Recel card sets together with some guys from the Spanish forum.
Now there are sets for Fortune, Icarus, Lady Luck and Space Race.
Along the way I also corrected the other Recel files.
Since Stern does not release their card files for the SAM system games, I had to create CSI myself.
If you have any other language cards for CSI, please send me a copy.
Maybe later some more Stern files will follow.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

30 januari 2016 changes
New made or updated card files:
All Tech Charts are corrected and updated
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe zip file corrected
Bally Eight Ball Deluxe LE backbox zip file corrected
Bally Twilight Zone zip file corrected
Data East Lethal Weapon French card added to zip file
Data East Price Cards French card added to zip file
Gottlieb Card Trix zip file corrected
Gottlieb Rock Star zip file added
Recel Criterium zip file corrected
Recel Fortune zip file added
Recel Icarus zip file added
Recel Lady Luck zip file added
Recel Mr. Evil zip file corrected
Recel score cards zip file added
Recel Space Race zip file added
Recel Top Speed zi file corrected
Stern CSI zip file added
Next update....
I've added 3 more Tech Charts for Data East - Back to the Future, Phantom of the Opera and Robocop.
Added some French Freeplay cards to the Bally M-1509 "balls per game" cards file.
Bally Rolling Stones backbox cards are corrected.
A generic fuse label for the older Gottlieb games has been added (A-7990).
I've added a new section for Recel/Petaco games and moved all the Recel cards.
On request I've created a file for a Midway - Sea Raider shooter game.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

28 februari 2016 changes
New made or updated card files:

Bally balls-per-game French freeplay cards added to zip file
Bally FCC card zip file added
Bally Rolling Stones backbox card zip file corrected
Bell Games Super Bowl zip file added
Data East Back to the Future Tech Chart added
Data East Phantom of the Opera Tech Chart added
Data East Robocop Tech Chart added
Data East Monday Night Football Tech Chart corrected
Data East Playboy 35th Tech Chart corrected
Data East Time Machine Tech Chart corrected
Data East Torpedo Alley Tech Chart corrected
Gottlieb Buckaroo fuse label added to zip file
Gottlieb Kings & Queens fuse label added to zip file
Gottlieb fuse label A-7990 zip file added
Gottlieb Knockout card added to zip file
Gottlieb Straight Shooter zip file added
Gottlieb Target Alpha cards added to zip file
Midway Mortal Kombat II (video game) zip file added
Midway Sea Raider (shooter game) zip file added
Recel/Petaco section added
Recel Lady Luck cards added to zip file
Williams Taxi zip file corrected
Next update has been done.
A lot of new files this time.
Allied Leisure games Boogie, Dyn-O-Mite, Hoe Down, Rock On, Thunderbolt and TNT have been added to the Various section.
I did a full file for the Bally M-1508 score insert strips.
Bally Sheba, Gottlieb Ship Mates, Gottlieb Victory in French were added on request.
Data East Checkpoint Tech Chart has been corrected. The solenoids were listed wroung.
Data East Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tech Chart have been added.
A Gottlieb Premier envelope has been added.
Fuse cards for Gottlieb System 80B and System 3 are added.
Some other System 80B files added, like Dipswitches, Bookkeeping Selftest and some various labels all in French added.
Gottlieb Victory has fuse cards for under the playfield.
NSM Hot Fire Birds has a file in the Various section.
Extra cards for Stern Galaxy and Meteor are added.
Score card files are added for the older Stern Electronics games.
These are available in white (12D-2) or black (12D-3).
In these files are also the High Score to Date and Match insert labels.
A lot of cards are still missing from the files.
If you have any of the cards not listed in the files, please send me a scan or photo.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, please send me a donation via PayPal.

New made or updated card files:
Allied Leisure Boogie zip file added
Allied Leisure Dyn-O-Mite zip file added
Allied Leisure Hoe Down zip file added
Allied Leisure Rock On zip file added
Allied Leisure Thunderbolt zip file added
Allied Leisure TNT zip file added
Bally M-1508 score insert strips zip file
Bally Sheba zip file added
Data East Batman Tech Chart added
Data East Checkpoint Tech Chart corrected
Data East Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tech Chart added
Gottlieb Premier envelope zip file added
Gottlieb Premier Technology card zip file added
Gottlieb Ship Mates zip file added
Gottlieb System 3 fuse cards zip file added
Gottlieb System 80 score cards added to zip file
Gottlieb System 80B Bookkeeping-Selftest French zip file added
Gottlieb System 80B Dipswitches zip file added
Gottlieb System 80B fuse card zip file added
Gottlieb various French Attention cards zip file added
Gottlieb Victory French cards added to zip file
NSM Hot Fire Birds zip file added
Recel score cards added to zip file
Recel Top Speed cards added to zip file
Stern Galaxy cards added to zip file
Stern Galaxy Self Test Display Numbers zip file added
Stern Galaxy Switch Assignment chart zip file added
Stern Meteor Self Test Display Numbers zip file added
Stern score cards 12D-2 (white cards) zip file added
Stern score cards 12D-3 (black cards) zip file added
Zaccaria Star God English card added to zip file
I've been mainly working on the Tech Charts this month.
Data East Hook, Star Trek 25th anniversary and Star Wars have been added.
Also found an error in the older D.E. files, so I worked my way back to correct them all.
Corrected the cards in Bally Judge Dredd and added a file for fuse strips used in Gottlieb System 1 games.

Enjoy and have fun,
If you like my work, pleae send me a donation via PayPal.

1 august 2016 changes
New made or updated card files:
Bally Judge Dredd zip file updated (error corrected)
Data East Back to the Future Tech Chart corrected
Data East Batman Tech Chart corrected
Data East Checkpoint Tech Chart corrected
Data East Hook Tech Chart added
Data East Lethal Weapon 3 Tech Chart added
Data East Monday Night Football Tech Chart corrected
Data East Playbot Tech Chart corrected
Data East Robocop Tech Chart corrected
Data East Star Trek 25th anniversary Tech Chart added
Data East Star wars Tech Chart added
Data East Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Tech Chart corrected
Data East The Simpsons Tech Chart corrected
Data East Time Machine Tech Chart corrected
Data East Torpedo Alley Tech Chart corrected
Gottlieb Sytem-1 fuse strips zip file added
Haut Bas